OpenFlow flow matching

Each datapath flow entry is primarily defined by a Match object which specifies which packets are part of the flow, as a set of packet fields to match and their expected values. The OpenFlow standard specifies the set of packet fields that can be matched, at Layer-2 (Ethernet), Layer-3 (IP, ARP), and Layer-4 (ICMP, TCP, UDP).

Match is a named tuple class (cf. Python’s collections), i.e. matches are also tuples whose elements each correspond to an attribute. To create a match, its attributes can be given in positional order, or using keywords, i.e.:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match(
    in_port=12, dl_src=None, dl_dst=None, dl_vlan=11423, dl_vlan_pcp=None,
    dl_type=0x800, nw_tos=0, nw_proto=None, nw_src=None, nw_dst=None,
    tp_src=None, tp_dst=None)

is equivalent to:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match(12, None, None, 11423, None, 0x800, 0, None, None,
                      None, None, None)

Likewise, attributes can be accessed by position or by name, i.e.:

dl_src = match[1]

is equivalent to:

dl_src = match.dl_src

Attribute access by name is recommended for readability. Every match, just like any tuple, is immutable and hashable. A copy of an existing match with some of its attributes modified can be created by calling _replace(), for instance:

new_match = match._replace(in_port=None, tp_dst=80)

Any attribute can be wildcarded, to ignore that field in matching packets. For instance, if all attributes are wildcarded, all packets match the flow. All attributes can be wildcarded by setting their value to None. In addition, nw_src and nw_dst can be partly wildcarded, to match only prefixes of IPv4 addresses instead of full addresses. create_wildcarded() is a helper method to create wildcarded matches:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(in_port=12, tp_dst=80)

is equivalent to:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match(12, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,
                      None, None, 80)
class openfaucet.ofmatch.Match

Datapath input port:


The input port, as a 16-bit unsigned integer. E.g. to match all packets coming into port 12:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(in_port=12)

Layer-2 header (Ethernet):


The MAC source address, as a binary string. E.g. to match all packets from MAC address 02:12:34:56:78:90:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(

The MAC destination address, as a binary string. E.g. to match all broadcast packets:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(

The input VLAN ID, as a 16-bit unsigned integer. E.g. to match all packets in VLAN with ID 123:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(dl_vlan=123)
The input VLAN priority, as a 8-bit unsigned integer.

The Ethernet frame type, as a 16-bit unsigned integer. E.g. to match all IPv6 packets:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(dl_type=0x86dd)

Layer-3 header (IPv4 and ARP):


The IP ToS (only the DSCP field’s 6 bits), as an 8-bit unsigned integer. Bits 0 and 1 are reserved and must be set to 0. E.g. to match all IPv4 packets in the Expedited Forwarding class (DSCP field value 0x2e):

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(
    dl_type=0x0800, nw_tos=(0x2e << 2))

If the L3 protocol is IPv4, the IP protocol, or if the L3 protocol is ARP, the lower 8 bits of the ARP opcode, as an 8-bit unsigned integer. E.g. to match all TCPv4 packets:

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(
    dl_type=0x0800, nw_proto=6)

The IPv4 source address, as a tuple (address, prefix_length), where address is the address as a binary string, and prefix_length is the number of bits to match in the address. prefix_length must be > 0. E.g. to match all IPv4 packets with sources address in CIDR prefix

import socket
from openfaucet import ofmatch
ip_addr = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, '')
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(
    dl_type=0x0800, nw_src=(ip_addr, 24))
The IPv4 destination address, as a tuple (address, prefix_length), where address is the address as a binary string, and prefix_length is the number of bits to match in the address. prefix_length must be > 0.

Layer-4 header (TCPv4 and UDPv4):

The TCP/UDP source port, as a 16-bit unsigned integer.

The TCP/UDP destination port, as a 16-bit unsigned integer. E.g. to match all TCPv4 packets to port 80 (WWW):

from openfaucet import ofmatch
match = ofmatch.Match.create_wildcarded(
    dl_type=0x0800, nw_proto=6, tp_dst=80)

Utility methods:

classmethod create_wildcarded([in_port=None, dl_src=None, dl_dst=None, dl_vlan=None, dl_vlan_pcp=None, dl_type=None, nw_tos=None, nw_proto=None, nw_src=None, nw_dst=None, tp_src=None, tp_dst=None])

Create a new Match with flow attributes wildcarded unless specified.

Returns:A new Match object whose attributes are set to the given values, or None (i.e. wildcarded) if not specified.

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